


Reasons why huemul is not a mountain deer, and is not tied to mountains.


I.     early explorers in their narratives simply made unfounded statements:

      “huemul are like ibex or chamois”     


II.    The only study claiming huemul as a “Mountain Deer” (Kurten 1975, 1979) has been disqualified by others on several accounts       Read more...


III.    Huemul were considered a mountain deer, because they were seen in high mountains, and some appeared thick-set, thus reminding of Alpine ibex or chamois. However, factors like hair coat, posture, age, sex, season, location and pathology explain the shape of huemul         Read more...


IV.   Bone measurements are the standard way to compare leg structure and function of different species.  The only comparative study, yet unpublished, refutes these claimed resemblance      Read more...


V.    Huemul even in the recent past still occurred far from the Andes.      Read more, including photos...


VI.    A few current sites still containing huemul are not Andean high country        see photos


VII.   Huemul killed by puma, its only predator, are located mostly far from cliffs, rocks, or steep mountains, and often occur in flat terrain.


VIII.   Many other ungulates do well in Andean habitat where huemul mainly survive now, and none of these are consider mountain specialist:

            Cattle, (ranched and feral),   sheep,   red deer,   horses,   wild boar,   goats,   guanaco          Read more on livestock...

                                                                                                                                                            Read more on guanaco...